Monday, October 26, 2009

Who knows you? I mean REALLY.

Hello World!

I have started today being thankful and grateful for the real friends in my life. There is nothing like relationships with a foundation of honesty, that kind of closeness that we want to cleave to. True, genuine bonds that weather storms and stand the test of time. I need people that I can be real with (expose the true me, past what I say but who I am... we sometimes put on masks, facades, and put up walls in order to shield who we really are from the world...and sometimes ourselves.)

One thing I have decided to do is stop hiding the real me. I want to just humble out and say "here goes!" to all of me to my close friends and family. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Why?

I want to grow. Evolve as a person and become the best IMANI I can be. The woman God created me to be. And I had to realize Ms. Independent, strong black woman: I can't do it alone! (Sidenote: being truly strong is being able to recognize and deal with your weaknesses so that they can become strengths.)

To have great friends, I had to learn how to become one...and a good friend is not someone who necessarily agrees with everything you do and say--it's one who LOVINGLY challenges you to be a better person. We mature when we can test our thoughts and ideas against another person, and when we're open to correction when we know we are wrong. Proverbs 27:17 says it best: "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another". Also Proverbs 11:25 - he who refreshes others will be refreshed.

It's refreshing to have people in your life that can help you move toward being more like Jesus and people that you know in your heart of hearts that they have your best interests at heart. How do you know this? You see the God in them.

When you see God in them you can move towards trusting them and their advice. Test their advice against James 3:17 (But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, and sincere.)

How can we truly live out 1 Thess 5:11 without being the type of friend that spurs one another on to greatness? (Encourage one another and build each other up.)

Who are you helping become great? Who is helping you become great?? Make a decision to be a great friend and you will attract more people who are great friends and need more friends like you. Peace!

1 comment:

  1. As it is International Day of Happiness, I reflected on internal things that make me happy but also related this to people; family and friends are catalysts to my joy. This blog really spoke to me as I count reasons and years of friendships and less of being a type of friend that "spurs another to greatness" continuously supportive. It'll be my challenge.
