Monday, December 7, 2009

True Meaning of Christmas

Black Friday…
The beginning of the season that is supposed to mark the most holy day
And nowadays, it’s taboo to say
Unless you use phrases like “Seasons Greetings” or “Happy Holidays”
The most important thing is to show respect
By making sure to be politically correct
And we undoubtedly forget
That Christmas Day is not just about deal shopping and mall hopping
WII, PS3, Blue-Ray and plasma screens
I-Touch, I-Pods and I-Phones depleting our funds
All in an effort to keep up with the Johnsons
Maybe that’s why the colors are red and green
Because now your bank account is in the red
And you’re spending green you haven’t seen or earned yet
And this is supposed to be a recession
Statisticians say comparable to the Great Depression
But still we run amuck trying our luck
At getting the hottest new thing that’ll next season be old
All the while forgetting the greatest story ever told
And our children know more about Santa Claus and the North Pole
Not understanding that this babe was born to save our souls
Not knowing he’s here because our hearts have waxed cold
He’s the savior that the prophets had foretold
He’s the reason we give gifts – to mirror the myrrh, frankincense and gold
Don’t be cajoled living for him is only for the strong and bold
You are not supposed to fit into the world’s mold
Lets stop walking around masked behind sin’s blindfold
And put the already defeated Satan and his demons in a chokehold
Cause this here is three fold:
The Son: providing the way out of where our sin has led us
The Father: allowing the Son to be born and shed his blood to forgive us
The Spirit: To lead us to the right direction fighting the flesh within us
It is time we give thanks to God for sending us down his son
And you can choose to be the One
To show the world the true meaning of Christmas.

©2009 Imani Rhema

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Something to Ponder

My pen is filled with ink that overflows
Spilling out rhymes leaving behind
Something for the minds to ponder
And I wonder why it's not important these days
To speak meaningful words over the airwaves
Wish I could cover all lil man's ears but he brushes our hands away
And lil mama poppin her overdeveloped bootay
Is getting the most views on youtube
Saw the same disgrace at the parade yesterday
We all cheered her on and she looked to be about five
And we already teachin her how to get attention
Not by obeying the rules or getting good grades
Nobody shouting What's Goin On or Love's in Need of Love Today
We too busy being jerks and makin love in the club
The Good Life as quickly as possible?
Pimpin? Hustlin? Sellin drugs?
That's what's being glorified
How can we keep Martin's dreams alive
If we hear so much garbage our spirits are becoming landfills
And we cant blame The Man for this oppression
Don't know when we gone learn this lesson
Apathetic as we've become with no standards for the children
If these words were over a bangin beat, then would you listen?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Who knows you? I mean REALLY.

Hello World!

I have started today being thankful and grateful for the real friends in my life. There is nothing like relationships with a foundation of honesty, that kind of closeness that we want to cleave to. True, genuine bonds that weather storms and stand the test of time. I need people that I can be real with (expose the true me, past what I say but who I am... we sometimes put on masks, facades, and put up walls in order to shield who we really are from the world...and sometimes ourselves.)

One thing I have decided to do is stop hiding the real me. I want to just humble out and say "here goes!" to all of me to my close friends and family. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Why?

I want to grow. Evolve as a person and become the best IMANI I can be. The woman God created me to be. And I had to realize Ms. Independent, strong black woman: I can't do it alone! (Sidenote: being truly strong is being able to recognize and deal with your weaknesses so that they can become strengths.)

To have great friends, I had to learn how to become one...and a good friend is not someone who necessarily agrees with everything you do and say--it's one who LOVINGLY challenges you to be a better person. We mature when we can test our thoughts and ideas against another person, and when we're open to correction when we know we are wrong. Proverbs 27:17 says it best: "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another". Also Proverbs 11:25 - he who refreshes others will be refreshed.

It's refreshing to have people in your life that can help you move toward being more like Jesus and people that you know in your heart of hearts that they have your best interests at heart. How do you know this? You see the God in them.

When you see God in them you can move towards trusting them and their advice. Test their advice against James 3:17 (But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, and sincere.)

How can we truly live out 1 Thess 5:11 without being the type of friend that spurs one another on to greatness? (Encourage one another and build each other up.)

Who are you helping become great? Who is helping you become great?? Make a decision to be a great friend and you will attract more people who are great friends and need more friends like you. Peace!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Finding your Inner Genius

Hey world!

I want to share a part of a conversation that I had with a long-time girlfriend yesterday.

We were discussing PURPOSE, which is embedded in the scripture (one of my favorites) Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope, and a future"...
God's plan for you? Your Purpose. How do you find your purpose? What are you REALLY here for?

My youngest brother's best friend was in the kitchen and happened to overhear my conversation. He interjected, "List the five things in life you are most passionate about, and within one of those most lies your purpose, your inner genius."

Genius is defined as "an exceptional natural capacity of intellect". I added that we should consider what we do better than anyone else naturally. I was trying to urge my daughter to not quit the marching band a few years ago, and she reminded me that I had told her: You have a natural talent for music (she played the clarinet with ease, after having to switch from the violin when she changed schools). Why abandon your GOD-GIVEN talent?

Ooh! This reminds me of the Parable of Talents (Matthew 25). Though Jesus was explaining what the Kingdom of Heaven would liken to, one cannot escape the fact that different level of talents were given to the three servants. The first servant was given five talents(a measure of money, VALUE) and he gained five more. The master's response to his efforts was, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!' And the demise of the third servant, who BURIED (ok we bury things after death. What dream have we allowed someone or something to KILL??) his talent? "...Throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness..."

What will you do? Be blessed exponentially (and when I say blessed, I don't mean just financially. Close relationships are a blessing; being able to expose others to the truth is a blessing;), or live an existence in survival, reactive mode. A life of monotonous mediocrity? By all means, NO! Write down your five things. Pray that you will learn where these passions fit into your life purpose, or pray that the passion will be renewed in you. If you have discovered your purpose and are making strides toward living it daily, AMEN. We all can do it. YOU GO, GENIUS!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Blogging Bandwagon

Hey World!

I have jumped on the blogging bandwagon! I have thoughts, opinions, and ideas to share so here goes! More about me? I am a mother of two (one grown and almost grown) hailing out of Nashville TN. I am a single woman who loves God, poetry, and jazz. I enjoy hanging out with my friends and family. I love dancing and I love performing spoken word. You will get a weekly dose of my poetry HERE!

I believe in truth. I love being me, and I believe that I am here for a purpose, and I'm learning to live my life ON PURPOSE. There are a lot of things I know I want to do differently in my life; God is showing me my character, and I'm working daily to morph into who He wants me to be. That's it for the intro. Will Holla!!!